Thursday, April 7, 2011


I wrote this poem today... I don't really understand it myself.  I don't know who its about.  I recognize some things about me in there, but there some things that aren't related to me at all.  So what does it mean?  I have no idea.  But overall, I'm pleased with it, I think... :)

Innocent Girl

Innocent girl,
She sits on her bed
Her life so perfect
Her problems are dead.
Innocent girl,
She's been blind
Surrounded by others
The past is behind.
Innocent girl,
What can you do?
So many troubled people
Are now surrounding you.
Innocent girl,
Don't fall down
Your life is perfect
Please don't frown.
Innocent girl,
With dreams to tell
Give them the happiness
You know so well.
Innocent girl,
It's time to stand
Help those sad souls
Go take their hand.
Innocent girl,
You were useless before
It's time to help others
You're not so innocent anymore.

  `· B E C C A


  1. Becca..
    This is BEAUTIFUL.
    Oh my gosh I just want to take it, print it out, and frame it in my room. This seriously is so good! YOU are so perfect! Holy cow! And you say you can't write... PUH-LEASE. That's all I have to say to you, chica!

    I almost love this as much as I love you. ;)


  2. Blehh, it's not that good at all... but thanks anyways, dear Ashley. :) Getting a compliment like that from an amazing writer like you makes it feel like its worth more. Thank you thank you! Love you lots. :)

