Saturday, April 23, 2011



Sweet, so sweet
Taste the beach,
Smell the sea
Sit with me
Breathe in deep
Watch the waves
Sing goodbye
Seagulls fly
Shake the sand
Feel the wind
Close your eyes
No more lies
Sun sinks low
Colors burst
Just you and me...
By the sea.

I love the beach, the ocean... The smell of saltwater filling your nostrils, the image of the endless expanse of glistening blue water, the sound of the tides rolling up the shore, the taste of fresh ocean air, the grainy white sand that sticks to the bottom of your feet, the strong, constant push of the waves against your ankles, knees, waist... I can't wait to go back.  :)

  `· B E C C A


  1. This.

    I don't know how you can sit there and tell me that you can't write! You write so movingly but it's so simple. You use so few words, but pass along this passionate and powerful message!

    Gosh, I wish I could write like you. You have a gift, my dear. :)

    Love you! <3


  2. Sorry, it took me so freaking long to read your amazing writing!!! GEEEEZZZEEEE!!!! You are a beautiful writter my dear. :) Ashley speaks the truth.
    I love you, you awesome artist with words you.

  3. Thanks you two. You're too nice to me. Its thanks to both of your amazing writings skills that I even get an inspiration to write at all. Thanks so much, I love you guys. :)

